Bot Replies: Text + Button Node

Want to know the use of the text + buttons node? Click here to find out how you can use the text + buttons node to create your bot conversation messages.

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The use of the Image node in bot building with Konverse AI.

Here are the steps👇

⦿ Start from the Konverse dashboard

⦿ Choose the story builder option

⦿ Choose the text node under the reply section

⦿ Initiate the bot conversation with a 'how may I help you ?' message

⦿ You can change the text style using bold and italics option (or you might choose strike-through, add emoji, personalization options)

⦿ You can also choose preview to see how the node looks

⦿ Add buttons to the text node

⦿ Likewise you can set the next connection nodes

⦿ Save and test the bot

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