Build A Basic eCommerce Bot
eCommerce bots can capture, engage, and convert. Want to deploy one for higher sales? Click to find out how you can build an eCommerce bot with Konverse AI
Building a bot with Konverse is easy!
Take a look at the video and the steps below to build a custom bot on your own.
⦿ Start by greeting the user
⦿ Gather the basic user info like name and email id using the name & email nodes respectively
⦿ Then, create the main menu using text + buttons node
⦿ Provide buttons to take the chat forward (here, the buttons provided are -
• Browse products
• Raise a complaint
• Talk to an agent
⦿ Next, create the flow for each button (Browse product; Raise complaint and; Talk to an agent) as shown in the video
⦿ For each of the buttons, end the flow by redirecting the user to the main menu using the jump to story node
⦿ Overview the entire flow
⦿ If everything's okay, save the flow
⦿ Publish the bot