Bot Analytics for Business Admins
Get insights into how your bot is performing. Detailed analytics channel-wise, goal completion rate, engagement index and more.
To access Bot Analytics on Konverse AI, log in to admin panel. Dashboard is default page for admin & marketer containing 3 tabs where the bot analytics is the first one.
The first information that you see shows you an aggregated data on how your bot has performed in the last 7 days. You can always change the date range.
Let us understand what each card in the crib notes means for your business.
- New Users - New users help you track & understand how many new and unique users have started a conversation with the bot. This takes into consideration any new conversation initiated across all the communication channel enabled for your business.
- New Leads - New leads on Konverse AI analytics indicate users who have shared their contact information. Contact information includes either Email or phone number details.
- Engaged Users - Engaged users indicate the engagement level of the user with the bot. To determine user engagement level, we use our proprietary algorithm that takes various factor into consideration like sentiment, time spent, conversation effectiveness and more.
- Session Time - Session time indicates the amount of time spent on bot during any conversation indicated as seconds. It is interesting to note that some bots have higher session time the other have a significantly lower session time. This can be attributed to the number of use cases that are present in the bot.
- Fallback Rate - Fallback rate indicates the accuracy of the bot. As you would have probably understood by now, the lower the value the better it is. While we agree this might not be a static number always, however we recommend you to revisit training if the Fallback rate is below 80%. To know more on how to train your bot, refer our help article FAQ training.
Unlike all other cards in crib note, Fallback Rate gets calculated over the lifetime of the bot and not over last 7 days or 30 days period.
Following section after crib notes gives you all the information in detail. Mentioned below are the analysis that are covered default -
- Channel wise interactions gives you an idea on how your bot is performing across all the enabled channels. It can be website, WhatsApp, Facebook or Google Messenger or even custom channels like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
- Engagement Index is actually a subset of Engaged users in the crib note. Here you can view how your customers are engaging across each communication channel.
- Similar to Engagement Index, Channel wise Sessions gives you in-depth analysis of sessions across enabled communication channels.
- Goal Completion Rate on Konverse AI highlights whether a user interacting on bot has completed any milestone or goal as defined by the business. Our Goal completion allows business to define custom milestone that suits their business need.
- Top user journey shows the most visited story on your bot, irrespective of the channel. Whereas channel wise top user journey suggests most popular journey across channels. For e.g. in case of e-commerce bots on website might have "Buy Online" as most popular journey on the other hand on WhatsApp it may be "Track Order".
You can download reports on Konverse AI based on your need. Crib note cards are not downloadable.