Managing Users & Teams

Learn how to invite, organize and remove teammates on the Konverse AI admin panel and assign roles & permissions to teammates.

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User roles and Team permissions play a major part on the Konverse Platform. These roles are assigned to Teams and they dictate what the members of those teams can do on the platform. Here's a quick video on how to manage users.

The ability to manage users & teams depends on your role in the system, only Administrators and Managers have access to manage the team members.

With Organization Admin, Admin & Team Manager roles you can add new users, modify user roles and delete users from the system.

Let us see of each of these can be done-

How to Add a User

Konverse AI Dashboard - Settings - Users & Team
Konverse AI Dashboard - Settings - Users & Team

To add a new user to the system, go to the Settings tab on the left panel and click Users & Team. Select Add user and follow the steps:

  1. The users & team page, gives you a view of all users in the system
  2. To add a new user, click on the Add user button in the left top fold.
  3. Enter the Email Addresses of all the team mates.
  4. Specify a Role for the user. You can choose between Admin, Developer, Manager & Agent.
  5. You can assign multiple roles to the same user.
  6. Click Save.
Konverse AI Dashboard - Users & Team - Add User
Konverse AI Dashboard - Users & Team - Add User

The user will receive an invitation to join the current bot in their email address. Do check under Promotions, Updates or Spam for the invite email. The user needs to create their profile by clicking the link in the email and filling in their first and last name and password. Voila, a new user has joined your bot.

Konverse AI Dashboard - Users & Team - User Role
Konverse AI Dashboard - Users & Team - User Role

How to modify any user’s details

  1. Click the Settings tab on the left panel.
  2. In the Settings page, click Users & Team.
  3. The users & team page, gives you a view of all users in the system.
  4. The rightmost column in your user list will be Manage, with Edit or Delete options.
  5. Click on the Edit, which opens user details and you can modify user details like role and group.

How to delete any user

  1. Click the Settings tab on the left panel.
  2. In the Settings page, click Users & Team.
  3. The users & team page, gives you a view of all users in the system.
  4. The rightmost column in your user list will be Manage, with Edit or Delete options.
  5. Click on the Delete, It will ask you for confirmation which opens user details and you can modify user details like role and group.
Konverse AI Dashboard - Users & Team - Manage Role

Understanding Roles

Team members can be assigned the following roles:

1. Organization Admin

  • Able to access all the Features on Konverse Platform 
  • Can manage users and account settings
  • Able to Set up Organization Profile
  •  Able to Add New Bots
Organization admin cannot be Changed or removed by any other User.

2. Admin

  •  Able to access all the Features present on Konverse Platform
  • Can manage users and account settings
  •  Can View all Bots

3. Manager

  • Able to access all the Features present on Konverse Platform except dashboard & Bot Builder.
  • Can manage users and account settings
  •  Can View all Bots
  • Role is similar to admin and can manage bot on behalf of Admin except that they cannot edit subscription details and change role of admin
  •  Able to access Campaigns and add New Campaigns
  • Able to access Contacts

4. Developer

  • Able to access only Bot Builder & their profile screen.

5. Agent

  • Have access to Inbox  & their profile screen only. 
Please note if you wish to reply to any conversation, you need to have an Agent role tagged to yourself.
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