Managing Inbox & Incoming Chats

Managing Inbox & Replying to customers on Konverse is super easy. Know how you can manage you inbox & reply to customer, in need, instantly.

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After you have setup your account, you can use the inbox to view, manage, and reply to incoming conversations all in one place. On our platform you can use the different features of the conversations inbox and manage communication with your contacts.

  1. Go to Inbox present on Side Navigation bar
  2. You will view my inbox, Team Inbox & All conversations on screen
  3. You can filter out these conversations by clicking on the ” ⡆” present on screen
  4. Also you can directly search for a conversation by simply typing the users name on Search bar

In the inbox, you can use the following features to manage your conversations:

  • Filters
  • Views/ List of conversations
  • Reply 
  • Status


You can both search and filter your conversations at the same time to quickly find a relevant thread. Click the search search icon in the top left and enter a search term to lookup a conversation, and apply filters to narrow your search.

  • Teams: filter the conversations based on Teams
  • Status: filter your conversations based on their Open,Pending, Closed & BOT status.
  • Channel: sort conversations based on whether they were created from Web, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger & Google conversation.

Views/ List of conversations-

All conversations are segmented in different inbox views. These views group conversations by assignee, channel, or filtered status. In the left sidebar, select a view:

  • All conversations: view all conversations in the inbox.
  • My Inbox: view all conversations that are routed or assigned to you.
  • Team Inbox: view all your team's conversations in the inbox.


To reply to any conversation, you need to have an Agent role tagged to yourself.


In the upper-left corner, you can turn your chat availability status on/off. Below Search bar, click Change to away or Change to available.

When you're away, you will still appear available for any open chats that are currently assigned to you, but you'll appear away to new incoming visitors.

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