hatbots have been around for quite a long but the 2020 pandemic has highlighted their presence. Now, most businesses are going digital and chatbots are enjoying their renaissance. 

Having said that, building AI chatbots has been quite an issue for several businesses who are new to this entire chatbot thing. While few chatbot builder platforms require complex coding, others consume a lot of time!

In this blog, we’re going to tell you about building chatbots for a website - not only how to build a chatbot but also how to do it efficiently, easily and within minutes.

So, let’s get started!

The Rise of No-Code Chatbot Builder

Thanks to the no-code chatbot builders! Building a chatbot has become simpler and much easier resulting in a wider range of businesses being able to access and implement AI chatbots.

The no-code chatbot building platforms provide the ease and flexibility of creating chatbots without any knowledge of coding. 

Yes! You read that right!

With the perfect no-code chatbot builders, you can intuitively build chatbots and have a fun game-like experience. You can launch your AI Chatbots within minutes and integrate them across several platforms. 

The no-code chatbot builder interface enables non-tech professionals to go about chatbot building without having to know the nitty-gritty of coding. You can create tool integrations and seamlessly employ chatbots across websites, social media platforms etc.

In the next sections, we have discussed how to build a chatbot easily within minutes using the Konverse AI no-code bot-building platform.

So, ready to build your chatbot for welcoming visitors and resolving standard queries instantly?!

How to Build Chatbots within Minutes 

With no-code chatbot builders like Konverse AI, you neither have to spend bucks to hire a developer nor will you need extensive training in bot building. 

Whether you’re a customer support agent, marketer, or sales representative, using these steps, you can easily get your bot ready to be implemented on your website. 

1. First, Set up Your Account

Before you get started with anything else, you need to create an account with the chatbot builder. 

With Konverse, you can sign-up for free without any credit card information and enjoy a trial period of 14 days. 

Once you’re done with the signup process, you’ll directly land on your first bot building project. Fear not! You’ll be provided with pre-built templates and using these you can start with your bot building process as per requirement. 

For example, if you mention your requirement as lead generation chatbots or FAQ chatbots you’ll get basic lead generation or FAQ bot templates.

2. Start Building Your Chatbot

From the dashboard, you can either modify an existing chatbot that you have already started building or start building a new chatbot. 

If you’re starting with a new bot, you’ll be asked to choose a channel for which you want to develop a bot. 

Website? Facebook Messenger or Instagram? WhatsApp? You can choose any of these channels for your bot.

Suppose, you are focused on lead generation. Then, you can use WhatsApp Business API and AI Chatbots to generate higher leads for your business. Here, you can choose the channel as WhatsApp for your new chatbot.

After you have selected your channel, you can choose from the pre-built templates offered by Konverse that are use case-specific. 

3. Get Your Welcome Message Right

Create the right first impression on visitors with a perfect welcome message. Focus on optimizing the conversational blocks of your chatbot. Keep the chatbot script simple and use conversational lines of your choice that represent your brand.  

The AI chatbot builder by Konverse lets you build your chatbot from the scratch easily and guides you through every step. Using the templates, create a catchy and personalised welcome message that will hook the visitors to your website. 

Incorporate a text message offering a warm welcome to your visitors and include media like images, gifs, buttons, videos etc. Few of the best welcome messages can be found with HubSpot, Slack, Miro etc. wherefrom you can take inspiration to kick-start your customer engagement!

Conversation Starter on Konverse AI
Conversation Starter on Konverse AI

4. Add the Very First Sequence

Adding the first sequence is easy (like the entire process of bot-building with a no-code chatbot builder). 

You can add a new sequence to your welcome message in a few clicks and drags.

Choose the simple message option as your new text block type and edit it to type in your message. That’ll be your very first sequence. 

Simply said, once you’re done with your welcome message, add your first sequence which can be a text or a quick reply, choice, card, image, video etc. 

Having said that, mostly, text blocks are used after the welcome message to which the visitors cannot reply. For example, ‘How Can I Help You?’. Similarly, you can also choose the quick reply option wherein the prospect gets to choose their response. 

Easy, no?

5. Ask Questions

Real-time personalization is basic to building an interactive chatbot. Start right from the beginning of the conversation by asking your visitors their names.

You can define your question type – like the ones that will have no options and the ones that will do. 

Open questions like what is your name, email id, location, etc. require you to add a ‘name’ block or an ‘email’ block. Here, you can define your question like ‘What is your name?’ or something that’ll suit your brand personality. 

Asking open-ended questions like ‘What is your name?’ not only helps your bot to continue the conversation but also helps in personalising the conversation with the prospect. 

For example, once you know your prospect’s name, you can address them by their first name in the next question - ‘Ben, can I have your contact number?’

Cool! Isn’t it?

Other than these, you can also go for the questions with choice. By adding buttons, you can give your visitor different paths to choose from. 

For example, you can divide the flow into ‘Learn More’ and ‘Subscribe’. Choosing the option 'Learn More' will let your visitor know more about the brand. And if your customer is ready to subscribe then choosing the ‘subscribe’ button will do the needful.

Besides, you can also ask a question using images, buttons with pictures, picture choice or even multiple choice. 

Ask Questions on Konverse AI
Ask Questions on Konverse AI

6. Keep the Conversation Going

Today’s no-code bot builders like Konverse AI offers you with the ease and flexibility of designing your bot’s conversation and the jump feature is something that helps your bot to close the conversation effectively.

For example, your AI Chatbot is done interacting with the prospect and to close the conversation, your bot can ask ‘Would you like to go to the main menu?’

Using the jump feature here triggers another part of the flow and maintains the conversation loop.

In short, with the jump feature, no conversation is ever left open. 

7. Rating the User Experience

Today’s no-code bot builders understand the importance of feedback in enhancing customer experience. Hence, they provide the feature to embed a rating system for the users via AI Chatbots. 

Using the Rating or Scale blocks, you can frame your rating questions and then select the rating format like the number of stars or emojis etc.

8. Test Your AI Chatbot

While building your AI Chatbot you can always use the preview feature offered by most no-code chatbot builders. Implement it on your website and let your bot communicate with humans. 

Monitor your AI Chatbot’s contribution to customer engagement and the entire customer experience. Also, observe the interactions and keep making improvements wherever needed. 

9. Deploying AI Chatbots

Once you are done with designing your AI chatbot script, you can start with deploying your bot. It doesn’t take much of your time. The only thing that you need to ensure is that all your endpoints are connected and your bot is integrated with the entire infrastructure of your system. 

You can integrate your bot with CRM, ERP or similar software systems. And you can also deploy it across multiple platforms.

10. Monitoring the Performance of Your AI Chatbot

Speaking of building AI Chatbots, that’s mostly it. However, your work doesn’t end here. You need to monitor your bots across all platforms and ensure that your customer experience is seamless. 

At Konverse AI, you get access to the analytics through a single dashboard. Using this dashboard, you can get insight on how well your bot is performing.

For example, management of conversations, routing the conversations to live agents, analysis on prospects, engagement, users, etc.

So, check the statistics & work to keep your users happy!

Build your AI Chatbot with Konverse AI

Hope you have got an idea about how easy building a chatbot is with a no-code chatbot builder. 

Now, if you’re confused about which no-code bot-building platform to choose, we suggest the Konverse AI platform. 

With Konverse no-code bot builder, you can easily build your AI chatbot from the scratch in a hassle-free way. For more information, you can check out the Konverse Help Center here.

Schedule a demo with us soon and get started with your bot-building game!

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